Sunday, July 15, 2007

**Training updates**

7/14 (Sat) Bike ride - This week, i inadvertently ended up riding about 36 miles with friends. I had to pick up a friend who didn't know how to get to our meeting point from where she lived, so I went to pick her up and drop her off half way, which added about 15 miles to the base ride. And of course after that, I was running around all day without much stretching and recovery fuel. However, when I got home in the evening I made it a point to just rest and eat well. Sunday morning i was tired and sore - and while I am not feeling as bad as I did last week, I am feeling worn down and "blurry." So the point of it all is that it is imperative that I rest a full day after long training sessions. I focus on hydrating myself, taking my vitamins and ginko pills (for the blood flow). I drink my FRS Plus (high on antioxidants), I eat fresh vegetables and lots of protein for recovery.

Usually Sundays are my swimming days, but I guess if I plan on riding this much every Saturday I might have to move my swim days to a weeknight.

Day 2 after 7/7 (Sat) ride – I had all these plans after a 25-mile bike ride (bbq party, meeting friends the next day, walking around in the hot weather in downtown LA, etc)…and starting Sunday evening I started feeling tired and felt strong chest pains, ones I haven’t had in years. That was strange. My shoulders and ankles were achy (but not as severe as the first years, still – which is a GREAT sign), and overall I was really worn out and the chest pain and headaches made me feel pretty grim, especially Monday morning. I was so upset at myself for overextending myself post-workout. I need to rest up – not just sleeping enough, but I have limit my activity level and just chill out. So after Saturday, I didn’t work out Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday…which made my heart rate go all over the place when I attempted to run Wednesday morning. Oh well. And I have been busy so I didn’t even have dinner the night before I went running. These are the little mishaps that I should not repeat. I can’t help certain circumstances (being busy) but I could have helped myself from feeling overexerted after the long ride. I tend to ride my adrenaline-high for a little too long. :-)

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